The last Thursday we continue with the expositiong of our ideal school, the first group was "Rigatonni Angels", I think that in the start the video was a little bit boring because they only talk and in the interviews the sound was bad and I can't follow the words with the subtittles, but later when they make the travel I think that the video was much better, it was funny and at least they work like a group and they enjoy the works, and the think that I like most was when they dance and sing all and the same time.
The second group was "Escuela de Bocación", I think that their video was the best in the class, I think that it was perfect, because it's not boring, it's creative, they invent an history with shadows and figures, and I can't say only one thing that I like more, but I fall in love with "Bocacioncito", but it was awesome.
The third group was "La banda del patio", I think that this group had some problems and its hard for they to do it, but its a nice work, a little bit short but they say the main ideas clear, but one thing that I dislike was the mix of the voices with the characters and they, because it was so embarrasing, but with all the problems that they had and all these things I think that it's good.
The last group was "The rollkids" I think that this work was so long because they have a lot or independet parts, I think that it was good but these parts are not connecting with each one, but the video was not boring, they have a lot of interesting things and the part that I like more was the method of make the ideal school with the game "Los sims", it was so visual and I enjoy it a lot because my group want to do it but at the end we don't do.

Hello! we are the” futupasta” group, we are studying teaching trainning, this blog has been created in order to post the tasks of the subject "institutional organization''. We are a diverse group, while we were struggling to find things that we had in common, we finally concluded that what unites us all is the futurama series and our love for pasta, so that's what we are named FUTUPASTA.
We have decided to create a logo with photos of the characters of Futurama custumized like us.
We hope you enjoy our blog!
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