
Hello! we are the” futupasta” group, we are studying teaching trainning, this blog has been created in order to post the tasks of the subject "institutional organization''. We are a diverse group, while we were struggling to find things that we had in common, we finally concluded that what unites us all is the futurama series and our love for pasta, so that's what we are named FUTUPASTA.
We have decided to create a logo with photos of the characters of Futurama custumized like us.

We hope you enjoy our blog!

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015


This day we have three presentations in the class. The groups that made their presentations were the differents , rigatoni’s angels and la banda del patio . From all the groups we learned new things and it was very interesting to me,to realize that each group of us emphasize in different thinks (beside the classic ones that we all had in our works) and for me it was very valuable to see a different way of work and thinking about the same subject from different groups and people.

The differents
I like a lot the first presentation and I think it was very interesting to have a debate in the class all together. The misunderstanding that took place was about the difficulties. The group didn’t put the word disadvantages in the work as we learned that we shouldn’t do in the last presentation, but the difficulties they put weren’t exactly difficulties but more things to be considered from the teacher before start to work with cooperative learning. For example the different academic level of the students can’t be considered as difficulty but as a good thing because that’s the point of cooperative learning not to work with people same as you ,to gain more. Also I like the sentence that the group use I think is very important to know how  to ‘’choose the right moment the right method’’ as a teacher for the best possible results. The right way to describe the atmosphere in the class is not a class of silence but a class that groups are whispering so they communicate in silence and don’t cause disorder. In my mind it became also more clear the peer tutoring method. It’s a session and the teacher organizes the work and make sure that the tutor- student knows the subject to have positive results.
La banda del patio
From the second presentation also I learned more things than before. The personal goals of the most of the members were to get over their shyness and express themselves in English . I understand them completely because it’s quite hard to make a presentation and even harder in another language but I think they did well. They are in a very good way to succeed in their goals and throught the way the subject works and organized in this aspect we will all get a lot of help in this area. I understand completely now that the teacher in cooperative learning is not the center of attention as it happens in the most of teaching methods but the students. It’s clearly a student-centered method and the most important thing is the participation of the students. Also we learned the role of jigsaw coordinator. A question that being put on the table was ‘’what we do if someone don’t work’’ and became clear the idea of evaluation.
Rigatoni’s angels

The last presentation was from rigatonis angels and it was also a very interesting one. The group explained very well the concept of based teams and the ways to create them –sociometric test –let the students choose –three Colum methods. The three columns method is the one we use in the class to create our groups so we have a very good example. The students and separated in three big groups each one in one corner of the class. The first group is the students that are more able to help the others, the second the students that need more help for social reasons or academic and the third is the rest of the class that they are in the middle. The ideal base team should have 1 person from the first column, 1 from the second and 2 from the third to succeed equality between groups. Also the inclusive philosophy of the class was a good mention that we as a group think is very important too. I really like the pictures that the group put in the presentation like the slogans that inspire the students to their work like post-its and table with the rules for working in groups that there are so different from the rules that exist in a regular classroom. At last the idea of web quest was mention again, an idea that I think is very useful nowadays that our pupils use the new technology so much and they need  webquest as a very good way to guide their learning.

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